Monday, March 10, 2008

why Obama? let me tell you why

I want to explain why i support Obama. In the past I paid modest attention to politics, i was infected by the apathy that allowed the bush administration to last for 8 years. Why bother being involved in a system where decisions were already finalized without my input? A conservative is defined as someone who values tradition and the status quo, and under this criteria i didnt see a Democratic and a Republican party, i just saw a lot of conservatives. True, the democrats sounded more intellectual and they had some nice ideas, but deep down they were just as dominated by the conservative forces that have captured our country since Raegan in the 80's. This might be an exaggeration but it certainly has some truth to it.

I see him as the first true liberal to come to this country for a while, and that really excites me. In reading his book, the Audacity of Hope, I am more and more impressed with him. It really annoys me when people talk about his lack of experience. I am not going to debate he has less experience than McCain and HRC. In fact if someone tried to make the arguement that Obama has more experience I would know they were lying. McCain is 25 years older than Obama and HRC is 14 years older. I dont know what you call experience but I believe everyday you gain more expereince.

Some experiences doesn't impress me, I am impressed that McCain is a war vet, but I am not impressed that he was in the house in 1982 for two terms and that he served four terms in the senate after that. I dont mean that congress is not respcetable, but in those 25 years working there, I believe, and yes this is an interpretation, that he learned more about how to run effective campaigns, how to raise money, how to exchange favor and get some people in his pocket while he found his way into the pockets of others, than how to solve some of the serious issues that America needs to deal with.

The same can be said of Hilary. Experience in terms of political years dosen't impress me, what impresses me is the emphasis for change that Obama embodies, that, as he describes in the Audacity of Hope, he would spend a night on the campaign trail in the kitchen of two supporters talking with them. Do I think Obama has all the answers? Of course not, he will tell you that himself. But I would argue that his inexperience is attractive, he hasn't been fully sucked into the conservative political system that controls this country. Will he be able to solve all of our problems? I dont think so, and there is a chance the system is so entrenched that he wont even be able to do much at all, but what he will do if he is elected and even his very campaingning is doing right now, is began to construct a vehicle where change can occur. He is profoundly challenging the system, and that is why I voted for him in the primary, why he has my vote if he is nominated in the genreal election, and why he is my inspiration. And, like any good politican, he is blindingly brilliant.

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